Colin is the drippiest person you will ever meet. He has extraordinary swag at all times and does not hesitate to be awesome. He seems like he would be a dick but is actually very nice and will compliment your hair often. Plays baseball, has good taste in music, and is occasionally funny. 10/10 person
by Yourmomsdick12345 September 30, 2019
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Anne Coulter is a neo con jingist preacher with her abilities to rip apart liberal belief system is further from the truth no liberal dares to arge with her because she argues like people argue on the internet forum.

Her political analysistically ability is pathetic really pathetic.

OH yes she is against you if you have another colour another ideas another set of opionions. She hates women too.
Anne Coulter is smart and she rips liberals apart while doing the NAH NAH I cann't hear you
by conservativethinker March 23, 2005
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A fascist bitch demagogue and troublemaker whose violent hatred and bigotry gives Christianity a bad name just like the Middle Eastern terrorists give Islam a bad name. She became a millionaire by peddling screeds of hatred against religious and ethnic minorities, Islam, gays, and of course , "liberals" (that is, people who don't agree with her sick, twisted satanic philosophy). If you read excerts from her books you can see that she is a violent, extremely hateful psychotic. If you've had history class in college you can see she is similar to Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, and also Slobodan Milosevic - the son-of-a-bitch. She advocates violence against her targets of hatred. She is dangerous. She often has a wild hateful look in her eyes. She needs to be admitted in an asylum and sedated. She is crazy.
Bill: Look at Tony! He's reading that Ann Coulter book again.

George: Tony can't think for himself. He follows any guru who claims to be a Christian. Ain't nothing Christian about Ann Coulter. She's just a plain bitch.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 22, 2006
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A fascist bitch demagogue and troublemaker whose violent hatred and bigotry gives Christianity a bad name just like the Middle Eastern terrorists give Islam a bad name. She became a millionaire by peddling screeds of hatred against religious and ethnic minorities, Islam, gays, and of course, "liberals" (that is, people who don't agree with her sick, twisted satanic philosophy). If you read excerts from her books you can see that she is a violent, extremely hateful psychotic. If you've had history class in college you can see she is similar to Hitler, Mussolini,Tojo, and also Slobodan Milosevic - the son-of-a-bitch. She advocates violence against her targets of hatred. She is dangerous. She often has a wild hateful look in her eyes. She needs to be admitted in an asylum and sedated. She is crazy.
Bill: Look at Tony! He's reading that Ann Coulter book again.

George: Tony can't think for himself. He follows any guru who claims to be a Christian. Ain't nothing Christian about Ann Coulter. She's just a plain bitch.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice August 27, 2006
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Winner, ten years in a row, of the largest adam's apple contest.
That Ann Coulter is better hung than a horse, and uglier.
by Sam is a Dick October 25, 2006
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A euphemism used by conservatives to define a wet dream
Rex: I had an Anne Coulter last night and it was excellent
Spud: Excellent!
Rex: You can say that again
Spud: Excellent!
by davefromspain January 27, 2008
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A fascist bitch demagogue and troublemaker whose violent hatred and bigotry gives Christianity a bad name just like the Middle Eastern terrorists give Islam a bad name. She became a millionaire by peddling screeds of hatred against religious and ethnic minorities, Islam, gays, and of course , "liberals" (that is, people who don't agree with her sick, twisted satanic philosophy). If you read excerts from her books you can see that she is a violent, extremely hateful psychotic. If you've had history class in college you can see she is similar to Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, and also Slobodan Milosevic - the son-of-a-bitch. She advocates violence against her targets of hatred. She is dangerous. She often has a wild hateful look in her eyes. She needs to be admitted in an asylum and sedated. She is crazy.

Bill: Look at Tony! He's reading that Ann Coulter book again.

George: Tony can't think for himself. He follows any guru who claims to be a Christian. Ain't nothing Christian about Ann Coulter. She's just a plain bitch.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 23, 2006
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