The act of having sex with a woman who has a bad yeast infection.
There’s nothing in this world like corn dogging a hoe
by Tidd Sugga May 24, 2023
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A sex act in which one finger is shoved into the hole of a penis, resembling the stick coming out from a corn dog
I peed my pants today. Probably because Sheila corn dogged me last night. I like a good corn dogging.
by Dookie Boy Deluxe April 21, 2023
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A sex act when a finger is shoved into a penis hole so that it resembles a corn dog with the stick coming out.
I peed my pants this morning. Probably because Sheila have me a good corn dogging last night.
by Dookie Boy Deluxe April 21, 2023
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When you put a wooden stick down a man's urethra and eat the corn from his ass while holding the stick.
Walter was hungry so I gave him a german corn dog.
by Jason mcgregor March 6, 2021
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To be paid for a labor or service with something miniscule and not worth the time spent, such as free snack food or exposure. Usually done to “volunteers” at conventions and events.
I was going to volunteer for the comic convention, but they wanted me to work 8 hours and I would only be paid in corn dogs.
by anyling September 7, 2018
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The act of pooping in the shower and then having to stomp it down the waffle drain opening.
John lost control of his bowels in the shower and ended up having to waffle stomp a corn dog.
by JPOnslaught November 21, 2022
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Person 1: damn bro I just had an Vietnam corn dog

Person 2: eew bro gross

Person 3: same
by Phillis Hunkleberry October 29, 2019
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