That mysterious cough that every Chico state student has had before, because the Chico state study body is riddled with disease.
Did you hear about Frankie having Chico cough and giving it to Tess?
by Twidledee May 4, 2023
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A form of earrape that people record, modify, and put on YouTube that is generally related to high school classes teaching Spanish. When the teacher walks into the room at the start of his/her period, this is often what he/she would say. Over time, the teacher's voice becomes more hoarse through all of the talking he/she must do in class, so students make earrape out of recordings of their teachers saying "Hola, chicos" at the start of every session.
Person A: My gawd, you should have seen that HOLA CHICOS earrape Person B posted on their channel.

Person C: I already did. Poor Señora Dolores, if she sees this she'll cry in the closet and give us all detention afterwards.
by FSRueful July 16, 2020
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Short for Francisco in Brasil.

Some people named Chico: Chico Xavier, Chico Hamilton, Chico Mendes.

They are typically open-minded people who hold very particular views of the world (and are aware of it).
They are pleased with who they are and do not fear the opinion of others. They are full of heartfelt affection and would not dare to hurt anyone, there is no malice in them.
However, they can sometimes be too logical when dealing with certain situations and hurt those whom they love. They nonetheless are ready to listen and change their conduct.
They are quite perfect despite not everyone being able to notice.
If you ever meet a Chico, you will always remember them even if you two did not get a chance be acquainted.
Chico is the guy from Brasil.
by Shake A Spear November 21, 2021
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; Describing a character in a story who dies, but returs miraculously with no explanation.

Often to the detriment of the story.

Named after The character Chico from 7th Heaven (1928)
when the emperor in starwars suddenly returned in the rise of Skywalker, He did a Chico
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A V-Neck loving, irrefutably strange sociopath. Can't resist the urge to stick his dick in everything that moves, and stick everything that moves inside of his anus. He's never clean shaven and is proud to claim Chris Hansen as his counterpart. If you ever see a Chico in a dark alley, ask him a question. If he answers quickly, talk to him and you might make it out alive. If he pauses before answering, RUN, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
I've seen a Chico before, and I'd rather head butt a belt sander than see him again.
by A pear of apples September 10, 2017
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A black person that acts white.
That guy is so Chico, going hunting or fishing every day.
by August 18, 2021
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