The day when the best, cool and hot person was born
Person1: when is your birthday?
Person2: 15 February
Person1: wow you must be the best and cool person ever
by Atlax.x_x January 1, 2022
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The day when a cool, hot and best person was born
Person1: Hey, what day were you born?
Person2: 15 February
Person1: you must be cool, hot and the best person ever
by Atlax.x_x January 1, 2022
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the boy with the extremely large brain and has every one asking him for help but he tries to get girls but when they see his tic tac toe they run in terror
kelvin 15
by niggas daddy November 6, 2020
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If you were born on this day, you probably have a nice ass.
Did you know Bayley’s birthday is June 15, 1989?

Yes. I could tell.
by BAYAC June 15, 2021
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The 675th minute after noon and the forty-fifth before midnight; the time between 23:14 and 23:16.
- Do you have any idea what time it is?
- Yes, it’s 23:15. Time for you to get in bed.
by Yamato Yamamoto April 23, 2022
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salad lover. healthy maniac. skinny and proteiny.
man1: Salad for the win! I am healthy because I work out and eat salad
man2: yo guys, we got a number 15 here!
men3-50: hahahahahahahha such a dweeb go drink prune juice at ur grandmas basement!
by The Neighbour's Kid May 13, 2020
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Similar to the freshman 15, the high 15 is the short amount of time someone gains fifteen pounds from the first few times of getting high. Achieved through the munchies.
I am currently suffering from a high 15. I have noticed that I am high (as I type this) and have been eating cake, lays chips, water, tab, pint of chocolate icecream...and it occured to me I might be showing symptoms of the incurable high 15.

Earlier when I went to send a text I realized my eyes couldn't look at the same spot at the same time and my left wrist feels really heavy when I don't look at the screen and so I do to correct my grammar so you can't see how high I am. But I actually have much better grammar and punctuation when I'm high because of it. I should also split this up because this is getting long. I also keep getting caught in the mirror for long periods of time. I hope no one thinks this is gay because it's as if I am just making it up to think high is cool etc and not even smoked but trust me I am buggin out right now. I tried to see if I could see an itch in the mirror earlier. Ok then that's long enough.
by diddy kong June 12, 2011
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