Unit of energy, defined as the energy content of six million bodies, equal to about two terajoules.

Hence, one Hitler: 342300 J * 6 * 10^6 = 2.054 TJ
The bomb dropped on Hiroshima released well over two dozen Hitlers' worth of energy.
by theonlyhachi December 1, 2018
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The weatherman that gives you the impression there's a firing squad in the room with him, and that they're there to kill him, not fire him.
The Hitler resistance weatherman gave an almost Valkyrie caliber performance the way he kept readjusting himself, you would think the cameraman and a couple other guys were about to take aim and fire. The only thing missing was the guy wasn't as emotional as the actor in Valkyrie, that made the difference between him and Valkyrie.
by The Original Agahnim August 10, 2021
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Def. 1) To not know where something is, to have no clue

Def. 2) To get high on any drug, especially weed
1.) Chase: Did you see where my pen went?

Bish: Oh I saw it! It bonzai bounced to Hitler's house!

Chase: What the hell are you talking about?

Bish: I have no fucking clue where your pen went

Chase: Asshole......

Ex. 2) Dalton: Hey man, do you wanna go bonzai bounce to Hitler's house?

Cody: What?

Dalton: Go smoke some pot.

Cody: Oh. Hell Yes!
by Cheez Balls May 10, 2011
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A (fake) political chain of dictators that collapsed after WW2.
Hitler-Stalin-Mussolini was so feared.
by Housedripper November 1, 2023
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1. When someone, through action and legacy, saves as many lives as were murdered under the orchestration of Hitler.

2. A juvenile moustache.
1) That author pulled a major Reverse Hitler with all her donations toward improving poverty.

2) The dude had a reverse Hitler stache, can’t be older than 25.
by blackxthornzzz March 13, 2020
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