Self absorbed but useless a relationship manager struggles to relate to a mirror let alone people.
'That relationship manager isn't trying to talk to people again is he...?'

'Yep, we're fucked again'
by ForgottenSquirrel November 23, 2017
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A relationship that only happens when both parties are in close proximity. It might be same town, same school or when they bump into each other. Usualy happens after a smooth breakup.
We will have to be in a bluetooth relationship because you are married now.
We will have to be in a bluetooth relationship because you are moving to Japan and dont know if you will ever comeback.
by Moscow SA June 9, 2020
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1 a : a relationship in which partners

grant permission to borrow contents of

one another's "closets" (i.e., clothing,

jewelry, assorted accessories)

: specific items may be off-limits

depending on the terms of each

individual relationship

b : open access to one another's fashion

items: closet contents
//Eryn said I could borrow anything, but Jackie and I only wear each other's jewelry in our open closet relationship.

// I've been wearing Pieper's necklace for three months and I trusted her with my favorite dress last week. Gotta love an open closet relationship!

// My outfit possibilities are boundless now that I'm in several open closet relationships with friends!!!
by peggle peege December 4, 2020
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The inverse of a Parasocial Relationship, as coined by the vlogbrothers. The relationship a creative has with the community that they cannot truly know personally.
As a youtuber I have a sarapocial relationship with my fans
by Duke4494 November 6, 2023
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The relationship between a creator, celebrity, or other person with a following towards there followers, akin to a Parasocial Relationship but reversing the dynamic.
Hank has a sarapocial relationship with his TikTok followers
by TheLoyalOrder November 3, 2023
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a type of parasocial relationship that an influencer or public figure has towards their audience
I have a big sarapocial relationship with my viewers.
by Crawly Monster November 4, 2023
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Where a person is stable in a relationship, dependable and solid
Were in a stable relationship and it's a good thing.
by carlos140 February 24, 2022
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