a person who smokes pot a lot. A stoner, pothead, drugee and whatnot.
Man that kid is such a head. He leaves school everyday at lunch to go smoke bowls.
by youchoose January 2, 2004
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to eat a girl out
monays boyfriend gave her head last night
by neisha February 22, 2004
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the act of oral sex. sucking a guys cock.
bret(me) wants taylor(my g/f) to give me head.
by bretly March 4, 2004
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"He tried to put his head in my vagina but I stopped him."
by ~Reign~ October 15, 2006
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1. To Pleasure your partner with oral sex
2. To say something positive towards somebody else for no reason. (sucking up)
1. she gave me that good head
2. thats o.d. head
by SWAGGA-DAGGA December 17, 2008
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Simply used as a pronoun for a person, or plural a group of people. Also used if said person is pushing your buttons.
Tom: Yo are you going to the party tonight? Hella heads are going!
Fred: Nah. Aaron is going and he is SUCH a head.
by aaaaaaronnn April 3, 2019
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