1) Slang term refering to a hermaphrodite. First used in the Metro to describe the Bar Beaver, then transferred as the actual name of a wannabe feline who was actually just plain wierd.

2) a person orginating from lebanon yet still choosing to inappropriatly touch men
"See him/her? Yeah, total Hammy"
"Don't let Hammy touch you. You'll get hammed up"
"Kat? HAMMY HAM!!!!"
"She's a big flapping hamgina"
by akesterwoo May 6, 2008
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A fuck boy that attends hammonton high school and participates in the following
-getting perms because they think it looks good

-fucks everything in sight
-has a girlfriends but hits up 20 other girls on the low
-think they dress good but actually look like shit
Omg look turn the other way there’s a hammy fuckboy right there!!
by Girl that attends hammy High November 16, 2019
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To meet and socially (usually sexually) engage with a person (usually female) who is overweight and unattractive.

To have sex with a fat ugly woman.
"Went out last night and pulled a massive hammy, god I couldn't believe what I had done in the morning."

"My friend was so drunk he pulled a hammy and took her home."

"I'll give you fifty bucks if you pull a hammy tonight."
by boygoyo August 17, 2011
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Yo melissa let me get a hammy j?

Did you get a hammy j from melissa?
by Brett Burnette December 13, 2007
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To be wasted or hammered.
"Man I was so hammy dammed last night after I drank all that Jack and PBR."
by van. February 15, 2007
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a better way to say whats up then homie. usually said when excited about something you did. Could also use as a greeting.
I saw you spitting game to that fine girl dog

-Sup den hammie!!

Sup den hammie?

-Nothing much just chillin
by Kougersingh May 23, 2010
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