A group of stubid people who use damn android as their phone . And that android is a ripoff of iOS lol. Android user always yell at iPhone user and think their android is god but iPhone is shit pulled by Steve Jobs. But in reality, those are both opposite lol. And android phonesss are soooo fuckin laggy as they are made of rubbish lmao
Look! He is an <b> android user </b> using his explosive Samsung galaxy note 7!

<em> 5 mins later </em>
by PolyMoster February 7, 2022
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My name is Connor, I'm the Android sent by Cyberlife.

Only DBH fans will understand

!Background Info!
realistic fiction game based on ideas of slavery with ICONIC main characters "Kara","Connor", and "Markus" along with important secondary characters:"Alice","Luther","Hank",the Jericrew and fan made ships. Check it out! You just might like it~
by plrn May 17, 2019
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A cynical robot who doesn't think the best of most people. One of the main characters in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
"Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to open a door" - Marvin The Paranoid Android
by Mr Beeblebrox January 22, 2012
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A people who hate the Android OS, on Vyond or DeviantArt they "sometimes" post Android phones getting grounded to the room and/or killed by iPhones. They use the word commie as an insult to people who use Android phones, they also dislike-bomb videos who criticize Apple or support Android. They started the National Anti-Android protest in 2017 and still present in 2020.
The definition's creator is an Anti-Android Activist.
by yugoslaviamaster65 May 10, 2020
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Someone who takes things too literally, over-thinks everything, and dismisses anything that lacks a clear cut purpose as irrelevant.
Abbey: My god! This is just so awesome isn't it?

Lauren: ...Compared to what?

Abbey: Haha! You're such a Vulcan android.
by The Captive Spirit August 24, 2010
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A bunch of autistic faggots who circle jerk over which chinkphone to buy with their next payment of neetbux
Boy those faggots over at r/android sure do love getting CHINKED
by Feelsbadmanrealbad November 15, 2017
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