The coolest things last year that me and my friend loved and made an email address out of and included as the motto to all the chatrooms we would do in Mr. Bentley's class (who just retired, by the way), and she would tell me some stupid lie about liking Kevin Braiden and stuff, and I wouldn't believe her, and then some guy who happened to be extremely tall and is having fights over shoe sizes with a blonde person right now in our class would steal it and read it and believe it and then we's have to spend days telling him it wasn't true, but by that time, the whole school knew. Sombrero dudes are the essence of cool.
Me: Friend, who do you like?

Friend: Well...I like Kevin Braiden.

Me: HA! Yah right!

Tall guy: Haha! I have your chatroom! I'm going to read it!

Friend: No! Let go of it!


Friend: NO! IT ISN'T TRUE!
by Hyper Girl December 10, 2004
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See 'Jägeer Bomb', substitute Red Bull for Red Bull Lime (Silver Edition) and Jägermeister for Tequila.
Person to server: "Can I get a Silver Sombrero Bomb, please."

Server: "WTF is that?'
by LoveThatPink April 27, 2013
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Starting its life in the Austin TX prison system an albino baby with a sombrero is the shape that was formed by years worth of inmates crystalized cum in one specific shower drain. Its alternative use out of the showers was to call another inmate a homosexual since the shape was made out of semen.
Inmate #1 "that man right there he's an albino baby with a sombrero".
Inmate #2 " how's that?"
Inmate #1 " because I saw him sucking off Rodrigo for no commissary".
by Fuck_you_christian September 7, 2020
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The capricious nature of life. Seeing both sides. Taking the good with the bad. Moving on.
"I haven't seen your boyfriend around."
"Well you know, sombreros but not all breros."
by Mr Special September 10, 2018
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This act involves a man sticking his penis inside a woman's ass, stealing her cell phone, calling her grandmother (live or deceased is ok, preferably live), and uttering the following: "Aye, Papa...un pollito!"
I gave my sister a Toasty Sombrero at church last night.
by docTRONX boyz January 29, 2010
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A sombrero crew is a group of usually young, good looking and charming boys! The name has its roots in Essex, England, but sombrero crews have been found in places such as nottingham, leicester, portsmouth, brighton, bournemouth, and even as far afield as Malia and Cancun.

Legend has it, in 2008 cancun was the setting for one of the most famous sombrero crew stories, and rumours are rife this may be turned into a film in the future with Spielberg interested in the production.

Sombrero crews signature drinks are tequila and corona, with various cocktails also going down a treat such as ameretto sours. To be classed as a sombrero crew you should also regularly eat out at nandos with your boys, enjoy football, ps3, barbeques and road trips.

Many people want to be part of these sombrero crews, but only a few lucky people are.
Mr Barton: Ahh man look at that sombrero crew over there, they are the coolest...

Sombrero Crew member: Hey man, you wanna come join our crew?

Mr Barton: Jeez, I dont know if, if, if I'm cool enough?

Sombrero Crew member: Yeah you're right sod off mate
by Danny Bins January 13, 2011
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Derogatory term for an MLB batter's box score: 0 for 4 with 4 strikeouts.

Double sombrero: 0 for 8 with eight strikeouts.
Mike Stanton laid down a sombrero today. Four plate appearances, four whiffs.
by Kefteniglo October 23, 2018
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