What you get if you have anal sex and your partner shits on your penis.
"Oh my god, Jodie shat on my penis last night."
"Damn, sounds like you got a case of poo poo shit dick."
by Chase Manley October 24, 2006
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an exclamation used when i dont believe something or someone.
Somechick: dude carlos just called me a data enry!
by CARLOSiSABiTCH November 23, 2009
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The act of Shitting out of ones Penis. Usually occurs when greatly excited.
Shane and Michael does the Kaboomerang
Spectator: "I Just Shit Out My Dick"
by Kaboom Krew February 15, 2011
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An insult which infers that the person likes to suck cocks and fuck assholes.
Give me back my money, you cock-smoking shit-dick!
by Jennifiend April 13, 2007
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Used to show annoyance or surprise to a situation.
George:Hey Mike! Your cars on fire.
Mike:Well shit on a goddamn dick.
by Apostle6065 December 12, 2010
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1. A phrase that a youtuber named danisnotonfire has randomly called out in a state of distress or frustration
2. A creepy fetish
Dan just screamed out "shitting dick nipples" at the game of sonic
by Rawrissocool May 21, 2014
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