A vary good person to be friends with and has a good Sense of Humor humor can make you laugh Even when you are sad and has a very big heart but can go from happy to mad in a Second but very extraordinary person you are lucky if you meet one
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When have I ever asked for an Oreo smoothie?

That's just silly, wake up to yourself.
Oscar can you stop being such a couch potato and come help me here?
by Enter pen name here. October 19, 2023
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People who over use the word 'cringe' alot probably has a meme page and think they're better than everyone else.
Friend 1: look its a lizard
Friend 2: that's cringe

Friend 1: how is that cringe its just an animal I swear your such an oscar.
by BarnacleLover September 24, 2020
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hes the most amazing guy ever and hes not that tall but isn't short at all hes Mexican with a nice haircut and he wears glasses he also had black hair and dark brown eyes, his mother loves him a lot and he def loves his mother too he has a great relationship with his dad and was always smiling when he was younger hes so perfect in everything he does hes also the type of guy you'd fall in love with when you're having a small conversation with him and it's so funny he always comes up with the most random things ever but you just find it so funny and it'll become a part of your day the things he does and the things he often say will just be there with you and you'll miss it when he isn't around so much but he is you enjoy every moment with him. he often shuts his feelings out and sometimes tells you how he feels out of nowhere and never fails to say something that will make you fall in love with more and when he does tell you how he feels it could either break you into a million pieces or make you the most happiest person in the whole world there's nothing more because he def knows what he wants and if he has something to say he'll hesitate at first but eventually tell you. i love oscar i really do there will never be a day ill be able to forget about him im madly in love with him and that will never change.
oscar is amazing and you should just be patient with him.
by ilovehim111 August 9, 2022
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OMG Oscar is such an ugly rat I hate him!!”
by yeehaw:) November 11, 2019
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Im Oscar bitch go to hellllllllllllllll
by smertieboi 2.0 February 21, 2019
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A obese gay that likes hentai and porn
Ew, Look at Oscar, he is watching hentai
by smertieboi February 21, 2019
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