Sar tan se juda literally means 'separation of head from body'. it is used by islamists in India mainly to attack those who allegedly insult Prophet Muhammad. It is mostly used in combination with 'Gustakh-e-nabi ki ek saza' meaning beheading is the only punishment for those who insult Muhammad
A muslim mob protesting supposedly blasphemous remarks said "Gustakh-e-rasool ki hi saza Sar tan se juda"
by unsecular_ July 30, 2022
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When you shit a little bit, and then press your ass stamp on a religious artifact
“Tom totally gave that church window a nasty Judas Kiss, it was right on the mouth!”
by Scarlett Blowhandjob April 23, 2023
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While on a date, you are overcome with intense diarrheal pain and are forced to excuse yourself from the table. Being gone for more than the standard 3 minute urination time period, you accept that your date has realized you are taking a shit so you take your sweet ass time. You then come back to the table only to find an empty chair, a half eaten tuna tartare and an unpaid bill. Your asscheeks are still greasy and your night is ruined.
Tom’s only chance at true love was thwarted by an unavoidable Judas Dump. The betrayal by both his stomach and the love of his life left him heartbroken.
by Daddylongdick813 February 9, 2019
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The act of purposely cumming in your partner’s mouth despite them asking for a warning. Bonus points for shouting Jesus Christ at the moment of climax
I asked the prick to let me know he was about to finish, but he just nutted without warning and whilst blaspheming. It’s the Judas ejaculate. There won’t be a second date.
by Wise and experienced June 2, 2023
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Prior to ejaculating from behind you stop and finish in your hand but make her think you finished in her. As she turns around slap her with it.
"She said she wanted kids, but I gave her a Judas Jack Cumslap."
by PaPa J August 3, 2015
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Someone who doesn't understand the love and help from their friend,

but betrays them Big Time for their own benefit.
You Judas,

what you've done means you chose Hell.
by Elijah7 July 26, 2020
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a man who was misunderstand to be the traitor that bring jesus christ to his death
by idk im just here to declare November 22, 2020
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