A shot of Jagermeister dropped into a full glass of beer, drank all in one swallow.
Jager shot + glass of 211 = gnarly jager bomb
by santosl November 24, 2008
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The Juke is a shot of jagermiester but instead of normal energy drink mix together Apple Sourz and Smirnoff Ice to make a toxic looking mixer then drop in your jager shot and bottoms up

This drink has a big kick as it is pure alcohol used to make, it has a ver fruity kind of refreshing taste and are very easy to pour and easy to drink all night

Guy 1: What you drinking it looks toxic
Guy 2: Its a Juke (Jager Nuke) it will blow your mind
by Adam Macca Macklam May 16, 2011
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Eccentric rowing president who got with the women's captain of the boat club. Further defined as an absolute shagger, having got with a girl at every rowing curry so far this year. Has a massive hard spot for Robert Jones of Walesland, and wants to fight to the death with a certain American Vice-captain, fully naked and oiled up. That my friends, is the De Jager way.
Charlotte: Did you see el presidente in staircase 12 with another girl last night??
Hope: Of course! That's just how Ben De Jager does it
Charlotte: Oh yeah, don't we both know it!!
by Secretshag123 March 6, 2019
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Nicolas (Nick) Jager:
The most amazing creature known to man. Women look into his eyes and are lovestruck immediatly. This creature works for God and does everything to praise the almighty Lord. His female companion known as Sarai Del Rosario is also amazing just as him. Nick and Sarai strut the face of the earth bringing fear into all of the haters. He does not cry when he chops onions and the monsters check under their bed for Nick before they go to sleep. Be careful, one touch sends you flying to africa.God is his safeplace and music is his medicine.
by MysteriousShadow88 May 31, 2011
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similar to a jager bomb, it is made up of a shot of jagermeister inside of a glass of Heineken (the green grenade)....aka get messseeddd uppp
dude i just had the most awsome jagerbomb, it was actually a jager grenade !!
by Richard Deg August 1, 2009
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Cocaine energy drink instead of red bull and shot of jager
3 and 1/2 redbulls in 1 cup + jager = the most energetic buzz u will ever have
by BigBilly33 May 16, 2010
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