The snatch hair of a girl that shaves frequently. It gets so thick, moving along it feels like rolling around in a gravel driveway
Sharon's gravel driveway tore through the front of her Mickey Mouse thong.
by Duke January 22, 2003
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Getting the hell out of dodge
Leaving in a hurry
When 5'oclock came around, everybody was agitating the gravel to get to the club.
by Uncle Rey August 26, 2011
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A name that gets called out at a graduation ceromony beacause the school's too fucking dumb to pronounce Paul Samsonov.
"GRAVEL SAMSONFROF!!...GRAVEL SAMSONOFROF!! Is there a Gravel Samsonofrof here?!! Please come up to recieve your deploma for the the Centennial High School completion.
by Paul November 16, 2004
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When you wrap your bare ass cheeks around some unfortunate soul's nose (preferably while they're sleeping) and let a fart rip.
I gave my girlfriend a gravel pit cause the ho blueballed me last night.
by hippy March 10, 2004
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one who licks the butthole in sex
man last night with my girl i didnt know she was a gravel eater until she started to lick my ass
by justinaimers June 24, 2008
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To be drug down a gravel road, usually behind some sort of machine, such as a pickup. Sometimes people, but more often bikes, refrigerators, dryers, or shopping carts.
That hobo in the shopping cart sure could gravel ski!
by Buford November 12, 2003
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