Taking a massive fucking dump all over the bottom of an unfilled pool, then dumping water into the pool while the gigashit is still steaming; thus creating a pool of watery, grimy shit with floaties already included.
"Look dude, we can buy a pool, but don't start any of that drippy niggerlick shit, arrite?"
"Fuck that sound, these pants are on the ground"
by HeinouslyAnus March 21, 2015
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A colloquial term used to describe a male who has caught syphilis. The term stems from the penile discharge which can present as a symptom of the disease and the common myth that syphilis is often caught from asian women.
As used in the sitcom Two and a Half Men:
"Charles, don't tell me you've got a case of the Bangkok Drippy Drip."
by Dee023 December 4, 2009
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Probably the best moment you'll ever have in your life, you'll feel the most pleasure you've ever felt, right when he busts in you, It'll be so warm.... You'll never feel anything like it again, so make it count, you only get it once.
"Have you ever had Drippy John Sex?"
"Yeah I Was dripping cum afterwards."
by Sat_rday September 14, 2022
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a dude with gonareah
dude i got a drippy pickle
by m.barton65 May 1, 2009
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When a man repeatedly swaps using a girls vagina and ass while slowly letting out little drops of pee.
Bro i totally gave that chick the drippy slippy switch last night and now she has a UTI.
by Courtneykins15 April 29, 2019
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several or more dudes or women on top of each other shitting.
I walked into my house and saw my family doing the Drippy Chicago Lasagna.
by Xelfum April 16, 2021
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the drip lord, he is a god, no one is drippier than drippy phil, drippy phil is god
person 1: hey whos that over there?
person2: oh thats lord drippy phil you dont know him?
person1: no- *dies*
person2: thats what you get for not worphipping our lord, dripppy phil
by ErRRrRRrR sUcH a BaDdIe March 8, 2021
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