Cha can be interchanged with the fallowing words:

Basically it's the all in one question word.
"Cha doing?" (1. What are you doing? 2. How are you doing? Etc.)
"Cha Going?" (1. Where you going. 2. Who is going? Etc.)
"Cha?" (What?)
by PrObLeM June 7, 2004
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The dance caused by running into someone in the hallway and in order to get around one another you both step to the same side, and then to the other until someone stops moving so the other person can get past.
I was walking down the corridor when Wendy and I ran into one another. We ended up doing the Hallway Cha-Cha before we continued on our way.
by Blondie McHottie July 8, 2005
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The extreme indigestion you have after eating a Chipotle burrito.
Jim: "Hey Bob, you wanna go to the movies?"
Bob: "I can't man. I just ate a fajita burrito with extra steak, no salsa, and now I've got a bad case of the Chipotle cha-chas."
by avnish May 22, 2007
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A slang word meaning Pakistani, Kashmiri, Asian (sub-continent). Originally used a derogatory word in the late seventies and early eighties by the afro-carribean community for the Pakistani/Kashmiri youths of that generation. This name was then taken on board by the next generation of youths. It was then held in high esteem up to the present day to be known as a Cha-Cha Man.
'You know that yoot. The Cha-Cha Man.'
by Mumzy Shah March 13, 2007
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A girl with unusually fake and blinding blond locks who's only reason in life is to spend daddy's money. Often chas travel in packs and their mating calls are shrill and irritating.
-Look at that cha. I think she got her head caught in an escalator at the mall.
-Thank God, that bitch deserves to die.
by Danwell max December 12, 2005
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If you see someone attractive you would say or shout out "Cha". Implying or asking a question "would ya?" "would you"
Fit girl walks across the steet, you and your mate walk pass and you shout out Cha to your mate "would you"
by richalluk October 27, 2010
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