a word that can describe an account on tiktok which comments on random posts with things like "good transitions!" or "lol so funny!" even if it doesn't relate to the video. it is a computer-programmed robot (hence the word). or you can just use it to insult someone lmao
"OMG, kara, you're such a bot!"
"them tiktok bots are st00pid as heck."
by @j.ennaah on tiktok March 8, 2019
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lissey’s sister maisys boyfriend jayden
jayden thinks lissey is a bot but in reality he’s actually the one who is and he’s just lying to himself
by kristien lynn April 14, 2019
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bot is a term that originated from fortnite back in the good old days. a bot was a term used for a 'robot' or AI player. these AI players (or bots) are usually really bad at the game and are free kills for an average player. a bot is a terrible used to describe a really bad player, as you can mistake them for an AI player. in most cases nowadays the phrase 'bot' is used to describe someone being bad at something or just being generally dumb. its generally used in a jokey way.
Someone: Misses trying to throw paper in the bin from a meter away
Everyone: WHAT A BOT!
by BigBadBrad797 March 18, 2020
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A bot refers to a person that is really bad at a video game. A bot could also mean a robot.
LilJonnyVert is a bot at Call of Duty.

Curt is such a bot he chokes in late-game situations.
by UhnKnwn April 3, 2020
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A Nigerian person and is very gay and likes to fuck men
That Igbo kid is a batty bot I seen him go behind school gates with a man .
by Kackic3 April 8, 2022
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daddy bot; A man who is known as the father of many, the king of wars, and the ruler of the world is a figure of great power and influence. With his unmatched military tactics and strategic planning, he has conquered lands far and wide, making him the undisputed ruler of an expansive empire. His subjects fear and revere him in equal measure, as his word is law and his authority absolute. The man's reputation for power and strength has spread far and wide, inspiring both admiration and envy among those who know of him. Despite the many challenges he has faced along the way, he has always emerged victorious, earning him a place in history as one of the greatest conquerors of all time.
Chad 1: Do you hear that war siren?
Chad 2: Oh shit, It's daddy bot, everyone bow down quick!

*Every single lady*: PLEASE MARRY ME

by hot girl 69 from maldives February 18, 2023
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lol it’s ur boi doge im a discord bot
like “doge bot is great

by Oligarchy July 1, 2021
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