Mum: I don’t love you anymore
Me: oh my mum don’t love me anymore cos i was an accident
by Haze_X12 May 11, 2022
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Aespa impregnated me again but we love kpop and my dad and mum wont support me because their parents would beat them up. I have new mum bye bye. Need to wait for 10 years. You don’t know my rules so don’t judge that will be surprising I like surprise I can suicide.
Aespa impregnated me again but we love kpop and my dad and mum wont support me because their parents would beat them up. I have new mum bye bye.
by sdinaz October 24, 2023
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To knock out someone with a strong punch.
Yea so this guy named Nathan was being a bitch so I have him a Russian love tap.
by GreyTheHuman February 21, 2020
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A Brazilian tongue hump, usually involving a lot of saliva
Person A: Bro, I got with this awesome Mormon chick last night
Person B: Did you give her the love glub?
Person A: totes!
by loveglub April 8, 2016
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