When a older gentleman (rooster cock scott) Attracts the attention of 2 or more younger females ( hens) in a workplace environment. The older gentleman does what he can to keep up to the pace of the females.
by The wish master March 22, 2021
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When a older gentleman (rooster cock scott) Attracts the attention of 2 or more younger females ( hens) in a workplace environment. The older gentleman does what he can to keep up to the pace of the females.
by The wish master March 22, 2021
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it will obliterate you in .5 seconsd
oscar: hey have you heard of the rock cock killer 9000? It is a great tool

rayan: no i have not what is this product
by THE J!!! March 10, 2022
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White people who sound even whiter saying words like EXpresso, Eye-talian, mayrio, and PAhstah
Mangos-cock: “I LOVE EXpresso!! And super Mayrio brothers!!! He’s Eyetalian!!!!!”

Me: what a fuckin mangia-cock....
by Lou gerret devries October 2, 2020
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White people that look even whiter after saying things like Eye-talian, Expresso, Mayrio, and Pahstah.
Mangia-cock in a cafe: “oh hello Mayrio, I’ll order a small EXpresso”

Me: “fuckin’ mangia-cock....”
by Lou gerret devries October 2, 2020
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Often unattractive and often middle aged woman who will hungrily swoop on any available man usually when said man is heavily intoxicated.
Mark was so drunk he had no idea of the cock vulture that was about to feast on him.
by Dzmcpherson January 11, 2014
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Men who hang Hangout in adult bookstores/ adult emporiums/Porn shops who's purpose lure men into booths ,bathrooms, dark corners to give fellatio / blowjobs to patrons?.
Wow that porn shop sure did have a lot of cock vultures hanging out in the back!
by Chaseifer June 27, 2018
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