The Mazda CX-7 in my boyfriends driveway.
Friend: what type of car is that?!?
Me: Oh, that’s just his moms poopy cacky
by Kj… June 28, 2022
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me: hey doc i got another question for you i know you really liked the last one how long should i keep the poopy in like how long should i keep the duct tape in
by doccuh April 24, 2022
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Ventidarling is a friend of mine who likes nsfw smut and likes fart
M ventidarling/poopie
by Djdjdndhdjdjdn February 24, 2022
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a special type of microwave that is used to revive the smell of poop or crap after it has expired
i wanted to make my friends porch stink up something horrid but all i had was some old bear stool, and some old dog crap, so i revived the fumes with my "poopy nooker"
by dan hoff August 21, 2009
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This is where the man has his penis pooed on by a significant other, than is rammed up the pooper repeatedly, until some blood comes out. Then, This ass blood, is hardened, and makes a sort of condom, and then fucks said, significant other
Bro, Adam is totally into poopy peg dick!
by Joyland April 9, 2023
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