maddie is a girl who always goes to spoons with her friends
maddie loves going to spoons
by 1105girl December 10, 2021
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They are usually tall.very nice And caring people.they love animals,and people. They can be shy at first but once you get to know her she is very talkative.they are very attractive looking with blond hair and blue eyes.if you have a Madalyn or Maddie in your life you are very lucky
Dang Maddie is so hot
by Tik Tik June 1, 2021
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A girl who likes really really really bad movies! She is nice but has the worst taste in movies. She only likes the cringiest movies with the worst actors.
Friend: I want to watch the Kissing Boith again. They are such good actors!

Me: Oh gosh, stop being such a Maddie.
by Donkleefeet March 17, 2019
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This is a person who is described as having multiple crushes on people and is classified as one of the worlds most narcissistic people. Although a Maddie is a narcissist they are really cool people. Maddie's are attracted to the sub class known as Angels. They enjoy long walks and telling themselves that they are hot, they look into mirrors for hours. When trying to approach a Maddie you must compliment them constantly until they get used to you. when comfortable they transform into Madelynn's and become cool people to hang around. until then you must watch out for a Maddie and compliment them whenever you get the chance.
Your being such a Maddie right now, stop praising yourself.
by longbottom swindeldooo March 8, 2022
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A girl who claims false rape

Gotta love a maddie
Dangit maddie who did you open youre legs for this time
by FalseRapeVictim01 August 20, 2020
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A blonde headed, blue eyed attention whore, who loves to stir up drama and create drama. She most likely has huge mommy and daddy issues and is probably a psychotic bitch. she will try and do anything to break you and your boyfriend up who she is obsessed with.
“she literally stirs up drama for no reason, she is definitely a maddie
by your.dads.crib November 16, 2021
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that one girl who's always talking about her stinky shits, she also hates spicy food and loves toasters and the color yellow.
maddie just took a fat shit, bro
by flergins October 5, 2020
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