An adult act performed by consenting republican/conservatives on each other to express their fake outrage to imaginary tax increases (most of these idiots actually just got a tax break)

During this act one republican/conservative nut job (pun intended) drops his pants in public and slowly lowers his scrotum into the eager mouth of another right wing nut lover.

Some basic Teabagging participation rules

1: Participants have to be very low income (preferably on welfare)
2: Participants have to be avid Fox News watchers (this makes certain the participants are brainwashed to the extent of being borderline retarded)
3: Participants have to be republican/conservative
On 04/15/09 (Tax Day) broke ass republicans throughout the country gathered in public and performed mass teabagging on each other for hours while complaining about some imaginary tax increases
by fauxoutrage May 3, 2009
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The act of repeatedly lowering one's ballsack onto another person's head/forehead. Ususally performed by male strippers on clients.
Male Stripper 1: You see that old woman?
Male Stripper 2: Yeah.
MS 1: I was just teabagging her.
MS 2: That's my mom.
MS 1: Oh... *uncomfortable silence*
by Lizzy G November 23, 2007
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The art of dipping ones testicles into another persons mouth, much like dipping a teabag into a cup. This act often occurs either in foreplay, or when playing a prank on a passed out friend at a party.
"How about you just your mouth or i'll teabag you when you fall asleep"
by Gav800 September 7, 2005
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something people who play first person shooters do to a player they have just killed/p0wned
shit now he's teabagging me too!
by cheese whiz9 July 22, 2009
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A term heavily used in the first-person shooter multiplayer online game "Battlefield 2." Teabagging is referred as, upon a successful kill of another player, crouching over the head of the victim's dead body as they lay on their back (dead); and doing so repeatedly in a "teabagging" motion. This act is to shame and humiliate the victim player, and usually incites anger and violence. This act is not unlike dances performed by football players after a touchdown.
"John began teabagging Jane after his hand grenade blew up next to her head; this angered Jane greatly."
by Joenathan December 19, 2005
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The act of rubbing your ball bag on articles on a coworkers belongings. This type of behavior should only be reserved for people you extremely don't like. Types of things that can be teabagged are telephone recievers, cell phones, computer mouse, laptop computer, pens, car keys, id cards, glasses cases, documents, whiteout bottles, coffee cup rims, etc. You get the idea. Essentially just rubbing your nuts all over a persons belongings that you don't like or just plain hate. Can also be done for fun as a prank.
Hey I know you are the new guy here but if I were you don't use the supervisors phone. It's been teabagged so many times it's not even funny no more. I have been teabagging everything on his desk for the last year.

When he gives me hell, I don't care I have been teabagging his phone for years.
by pantyteamaster April 15, 2009
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To place one's scrotum on your girls forehead or on a defeated opponent's forehead, cheek, eyes, etc or in their mouth.
After winning the fist fight, he got to teabag the loser with his big sweaty balls.

Winner: Ha! I win bitch! (Unzipping his jeans and pulling his nuts out)
Loser: No anything but the teabag!

Winner:To late bitch! (He proceeds to drag his nuts across the losers face before dunking them in the losers mouth) Yeah suck my balls bitch!! Loser:Humlf!!!! (With tears of shame in his eyes)
by The Holy Diving Troll July 24, 2014
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