n. Any of various diseases, including chancroid, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, that are usually contracted through sexual intercourse or other intimate sexual contact.
A few days after a drunken indiscretion with an unnamed lady friend, he felt the telltale burning of pubic shenanigans while urinating.
by IronRinn January 17, 2008
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Establishment run by a group of guys who think being an alcoholic makes them qualified to run a bar. Often stays open past the legal closing time to owner's friends, also, gives away free beer to owner's friends. Often frequented by bar whores who also get free beer because the owners hope to sleep with them. Usually closes it's doors in less than a year.
"Dude, that bar only opened eight months ago! I thought the owners had formed a corporation and were going to buy apartment buildings and stuff!"

"Yeah, but it closed and now one of the owners is living with his parents again. Must've been all the free booze they doled out to their friends and their bar whores."

"Wow, sounds like it turned into a real shenanigan's alley."

by lilpuppie November 5, 2006
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To accuse someone of cheating (used during gameplay); "calling shenanigans" is only used for serious offenses, however, as doing so requires the game to stop and it often cannot be continued.
While playing Monopoly...
ONE: I call shenanigans! You've taken all the money from the bank!
TWO: I have not!
by Bev Ridge March 3, 2020
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A term used to point out or call out a clear and obvious social mistake on the part of others.
"I'm throwing down the shenanigans flag, that chick should not be out with that doofus"


"I'm throwing down the shenanigans flag! Why the hell were you cockblocking?!"
by elmatadorgordo January 23, 2008
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