In games where teams are devided into purple and gold the purple team refers to themselves as purp squad. Being that purple team is usually composed of failures abduct the "le" at the end of the word is to much work for them thus "purp" is all they can mange. Purp squad is synonymous with failure, loser, reject, scrub, and gdi.
New team member: what side am I on? Please don't say I have to go to the purp squad

Gold team member: no way dude. Your on the winning team!
by Gold team dtd February 3, 2011
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Another cringy minecraft youtuber that makes content similar to gevids and ayoden.
Viewer: *watches purpful video*
Purpful: "Ooh another view to add to my 700k views that i posted a lot for"
by atlock34 August 27, 2022
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The biggest minecraft youtuber. Thats the only thing of his big tho.
Hey baby your such a purpful. I want a divorce
by Bigballboy69420 February 4, 2023
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Bruh your line crooked! You must've gotten chopped by Purp.
by Ant Sanchy February 23, 2017
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people you recognize pussy or put yourself on the right path ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿฅด. PGSPT ๐Ÿ’œ SOD ๐Ÿ‘€ HOPE ๐Ÿ˜Ž
by purpgirl March 15, 2020
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