- A "Pence Fly" is an irrelevant fact that take the attention of the people away from something more important.
- to "Pence Fly" someone
- A Distraction (away from a main topic)
- A Diversion
- A Fact Replacement

- A BS

During the US Vice President Mike Pence debate against Kamala Harris, on the 8th of October 2020, a fly stopped on the VP head. Right after all the media talked about it forgetting about Pence and Harris talk.
1) The Mayor interview was the typical Pence Fly. He kept talking about the 5 Dollar McDonald vouchers and forgot to mention why the local factory lost a deal with an important client.
2) The new candidate is getting more popular, we need to Pence Fly the news and give him less exposure.
3) That's a Pence Fly!/ (Don't Pence Fly me!) I don't care that you are the best in your PE class. You need to improve if you want to pass this year!
by Giangi January 8, 2021
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the word or words used to described rounding up cattle.
most commonly used to describe a feedlot or a pasture full of fresh green holsteins.
"im going to cj pence that cow"
by kilkilghi December 1, 2009
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noun and adjective When an individual is both gay and homophobic. Based on the previous American Vice President Michael Pence, who many have head cannoned to be homosexual despite his support of many homophobic agendas.
Kelly Anne Conway has mad Pence Sense.

Abby Shapiro is definitely Pence Sense.
by Jason A Rowland November 21, 2021
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The act of overtly and obnoxiously fawning by a known sycophant

One who indiscriminately endeavors, however pathetic or immoral the course, to gain the approval of the person or institution they admire

A traitor lacking courage
He had a chance to stand by democracy and save his own skin, but he chose to grovel and penced it up.

He's going to tie his family's reputation forever with the traitors' cause he's all about that pence.

He sucked Trump's toes during the coup attempt cause he was a total pence
by PenceIsAHo January 13, 2021
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A groveling coward who gazes lovingly at and supports a man who wanted the coward to be lynched.
I’m more concerned about the FBI searching Mar A Lago then the fact that Trump supported people chanting “Hang Mike Pence!”

You are such a pence.
by CGHDun August 10, 2022
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the cum in a guy's hair left there by another dude
I hooked up with this adorable twink last night and he left a shitton of pence in my hair, hence this fabulous hat.
by uniqueid November 16, 2016
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To send unsolicited pictures of your genitalia to another person online, typically with the hope of reciprocation.
"This random dudebro just penced me on Facebook Messenger. I replied with a gif of a banana being sliced and he blocked me."
by Alaeriia January 18, 2019
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