When someone holds just a pinky, middle finger and index finger, it means he is short (that's why pinky), idiot (that's why middle finger), and he is POINTless (that's why index finger)
Meowbahh's fan was holds a pinky + middle finger and index finger (Meowbahh's fan should be deleted from Earth)
by IsThisUsernameOpen? June 7, 2022
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This means they are a sad gay loner, with a hairy shit covered cum stained taint you don’t want to associate yourself with. The person that does this pose gets 0 bitches and will probably die a virgin. Being drunk is not a valid excuse.
Girl 1: look at this photo isn’t he cute

Girl 2: ye but look he’s only holding his pinky, middle and index finger up

Both: *proceed to projectile vomit followed by deleting the photo and ghosting him for the rest of eternity*
by Tranny Fanny August 1, 2022
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Used to measure the calorie account of someone’s dick.
Yeah man, my dick has 1/4 the calories of a mature female raccoon! I found it out using the Rob Zombie Flavor Index!
by Robin Zomborg December 12, 2021
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Means your a Bradford boy

A proper mush
Hard as nails
Joe Bell: *Raises his index finger up*
Emerson Wilson:” Omg joe bell is a proper mush
by Bradford army July 19, 2022
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A measurement of hatred average among hateful beings.
Jill went and got a job, an extremely lucrative job through hustling and using connections. Jack, knowing this and didn't say a word, but everyone around could see his Hater Index rising. Friday Afternoon shit literally hit the fan, when Jill smiled smugly in Jack's direction with her boxes. Long story short, Jack had a stroke and is now on disability. Peace be with him.
by c-hat-e December 27, 2012
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