A combination of fuck boy and dick head. Usually sends creepy messages. Commonly of the roadman variety.
"That weird boy was sending me snaps yesterday, he's such a fuckhead"
by V And Beth May 12, 2021
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1)a persom whom you do not like;2) a dumb ass
Shane is a fuckhead, they call the cops on me for anything, even looking at them funny.
by Mr. Kike April 28, 2008
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Where your parter mainly male fucks your head or when tony quinn says fuckhead ye faggit
by Hdhehbd November 16, 2017
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A person who is very annoying and frustrating.
Boi1: Man, look at that chick! I would spank the shit outta' of that ass!
Boi2: Yeah, what a pity that's she's a fuckhead.
Boi1: Wait, man, where do you know her from?
by Kecskehippi August 13, 2019
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A guy/girl that is annoying and needs to get their life together and stop being pisstaking
Ugh what a fuckhead
Okay he’s a fuckheqd
by DDthebestie June 11, 2019
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1. Someone who acts likes or really is a dumbass
2. A more offensive version of shithead or dickhead
3. Someone who is annoying and unnecessarily persistent
4. Someone who is overly concerned with sex or sexual acts
1. Amanda is such a fuckhead, she flashed everyone at the bar last night
2. What do you think you're doing, fuckhead?
3. He's such a fuckhead, he wouldn't stop trying to talk to us
4. Jake's just a horny fuckhead
by TransCatgirl December 5, 2019
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Noun: One who attempts to manipulate a person or group by making a concerted and continuous effort to brainwash the target with his/her Simulated Reality.

Verb: What a FUCKHEAD does; ie, attempts to manipulate a person or group by making a concerted and continuous effort to brainwash the target with his/her Simulated Reality.
"Every instructor I had this year was a complete FUCKHEAD who taught their own agenda and SIMULATED REALITY. The tried to FUCKHEAD us every fucking day and we had to pay to be tortured by this bullshit just to get college credits and hopefully a job when we graduate. What a scam!"
by Dr. Real Nasty January 5, 2023
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