28 definitions by Dr. Real Nasty

A person who knows nothing ACCURATE about the subject being discussed but is compelled to add inaccurate information to the conversation or disagree for an unfounded reason.
Bill is the biggest thinking moron in our group. The fucker adds nothing but stupid and inaccurate bullshit to our discussions.
by Dr. Real Nasty January 5, 2023
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Sex up a virgin girl's a-hole.
Virgina is saving herself for her husband and in the meantime has virginal sex up her ass every weekend! What a ho!
by Dr. Real Nasty January 11, 2023
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When an employee is required to work on Labor Day.
My last employer was a asshole and completely in love with money. He made everyone work on Labor Day every year so we called it Slavor Day in his dishonor! Fuck him for fucking us! Lol!!!
by Dr. Real Nasty January 11, 2023
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Faux Sure is when one person promises or tells another person to definitely count on him/her/they/we/us/he-she/she-he/she-he-he/he-she-she to do a specific something or favor and then totally lets the person down by failing to perform.
That was the third time that Dick Johnson let Virgina down with a Faux Sure to get her in bed by 10:00 PM.
by Dr. Real Nasty January 19, 2023
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When a bitch isn't satisfied with the first fuck.
Virgina was so horny that she would not let me get out of bed till I gave her a CUMBACK to settle her down.
by Dr. Real Nasty January 11, 2023
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The F2 Plan refers specifically to a person's "fiends", err "Friends" and "Family" who treat that person worse and nastier and shittier and crappier than an enemy would. All members of the F2 Plan who are "takers" and inconsiderate humanoid animals need to be fired without notice due with NO OPTION FOR REHIRE due to their high level of toxicity. They prove once again that it is more important to keep your enemies close and your F2 member very, very, very far away!
Dick and Virgina Johnson are so nice and considerate to their family and friends but Virgina and Dick keep getting their balls twisted by them! Hopefully, some day soon they will realize that they need to drop the F2 Plan and go it alone; just Dick and Virgina.

It's a fact of life that the people who are closest to a person are the ones who disappoint the most simply because the nasty and shitty and fucked up which results in behavior that is so unexpected, unwarranted and inhuman that they need to be fired immediately, if not sooner!!!. Fuck the F2 Plan!!! I'd rather pay more and live in peace!!! Don't be a Dick or a Virgina Johnson by getting fucked by incestuous family members and fake ass fiends!!! Class is over. Go home now. Bye. i'm out of here. Tip the servers schmucks! They work hard to keep you hydrated and satiated so you can run to the bathroom every 15 minutes to possibly run into a member of a former F2 Plan.
by Dr. Real Nasty February 22, 2023
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