The aggravating way of pronouncing 'cool'. Used by the weed smokin idiotic gay bang gang members.
gbgm1:you are lookin kewl in that dress!

gbgm2:Lets bang the kewl way then!
by j March 14, 2005
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the opposite of cool. used usually to describe a person or their actions. Usually said to a freind when someone does something kewl, so the kewl person thinks you're calling them cool, when really they are just kidding themselves. Kewl is sometimes said the way it is spelled out as K-E-W-L.
by Gnarly Gnate Mcgnar March 22, 2008
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1. An extremely bland and narcissistic way to say the word "cool" with all the enthusiasm deflated out of it. In effect, the negation of all those brats in commercials that say, "COOL!" to a pair of sneakers, hot pockets, or quaker oat bars.

2. An inside joke or commentary that can be used directly, yet secretly, to someone truly despised.

3. A descriptive term used to define something that has a decidedly thirteen-year-old, teeny-bopper quality.
1. mommy- "Honey, me and your white trash daddy who beats me up all the time are gonna get together and have another baby."

son- "kewl."

2. "Wow, jackson! You are so kewl!"

3. "OMG, Tiger Beat magazine is so fucking kewl!"
by Mr. ES August 21, 2009
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Monstaaa, RS, Alix are pretty kewl its legit. Play wit it, bro.
by bekstaaa April 15, 2011
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every a0l whore's favorite spelling crap...
Me:must get...shotgun...and k33l...this....freak....
by kickace July 24, 2005
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In fact originating in the Swedish word of "kul", pronounced in Swedish just like the spelling of "kewl". Kul meaning funny, awesome or cool.
That was a kewl Swedish expression indeed!
by Encore1Fois August 23, 2013
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a nigga word for the powhitrash word cool
that pool had kewl water i was freezing nigga
by Dave Chappelle Nigga November 29, 2005
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