Having sex with women of questionable upbringings.
Person 1: "What are you up to this weekend?"
Person 2: "I will be out slaying hoodrats."
Person 1: "Wrap that shit up. You don't want to catch anything."
by Eric Donald Duck McGill March 7, 2011
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Commonly refereed to as "HRS" which is a condition of stupidity where the people affected commit bad actions, such as talking trash, destroying the English language, wearing their pants below their knee caps, all in a matter to bring their ghetto to a different location.

This is primarily seen on college campuses where said affected people try to bring their bad culture and force others to deal with it due to their parents inability to be mature and teach them respect.

Currently, the only known treatment for HRS is an ass beating.
Person A: Hey do you see that idiot over there playing his music too loud and thinking his a rapper?

Person B: Just ignore him he has Hoodrat Syndrome.
by jokertaco August 23, 2011
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When a girl possesses a mixture of classy and a touch of ghetto/swagger.
An educated high class woman who has expensive taste in the finer things but at the same time she can drop it low at the club and can recite a jcole/drake/kanye west verse in a heartbeat.


Guy1: Damn she's Fine...Too Fine....Too intimidating...Too expensive. Like AT&T, I can't afford her...

Guy2: Nah, look at that pink Juicy Couture velvet pants she's wearing. She's might be classy...but She's a classy hoodrat.
by MisturSmh February 7, 2012
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When a hoodrat takes pics on counters pokin out her large flabby ass, pokes out her crusty lips that are covered in cheap lip gloss, pizza grease, or semen. Mugs the camera like she finna fight. Lifts her shirt too show off her blubbers of fat or ribs. She usually is twirling her short ass burnt off cherry uneven nappy at the roots hair or her blond long ass a motherfucker cheap ass $20 dollar horsehair weave... that she taped in with yellow tape.
Sydney: Hmm girl let's put these pics up on facebook so errbody can see how good we is lookin

Vicky: Right homegirl. Cause I know you def tryna hook up with Langston and you already know Joel is my boo.

5 minutes later at another home

Langston: Damn, you see these pictures Sydney put up. She think she look good but she doin them hoodrat poses.

Joel: Right and Vicky needa quit playin tryna rock that pink horsehair and then tight ass shorts

Langston: Right, I can see that bitches hair.

Joel: Holdup... is that tape??
by Lemonsz Lemonade November 1, 2010
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- food sold out of an adidas bag from a Mexican that also supplies hot sauce and a lime spray he keeps in a windex bottle
Those ghetto chicks are eating hoodrat food
by Bnliagcgker February 10, 2017
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Term used to degrade a female and feel better about ones self, usually used when the female is approching.
(girl enters party)

(ex notices and tells friend)- "Yo Black mamaba.. Hoodrat alert!!"
by zZtephieeee December 6, 2010
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