A game you play when you’re high as fuck with the homies and your mom isn’t home.

You and all the homies turn off all the lights so it’s pitch black and
by Crawler creepy July 5, 2019
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A Dark down cerature with black curculer lines on all legs and around the body most people use it for sex or some for training on in runescape they also make your flech crawl
Flesh Crawler It makes your skin cover in bumps
by Cody beck November 18, 2007
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When a voluptuous woman attached a suction cup dildo to a mans lower back, and rides him like a steed as he shits on the carpet.
My wife finally asked me to perform the Kentucky Hall Crawler
by Stan McCormack February 5, 2021
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My girlfriend was on the rag, and then I felt a creepy crawler followed by a body-rocking experience.
by Goody and Lauren June 26, 2012
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A male who creeps behind his friends who is actually in the closet. He tries to get as close as he can in a dancing environment thinking that no one will notice him; and works. Eventually he will be found out as the guy who is a "Creepy Crawler".
Tom:"Man, this is going to be a fun night".
Jim(standind next to his friend Tom):"Yeah man, these girls are hott!"

Laurence(sneekingly while everyone is in a party mode not noticeing, he slides behind them with a sexual gesture that no straight man approves of)

Jim:"Man, what the hell? Back up you creepy crawler!"
Tim:"You gaying up the area. You always do some dumb shit!"
by Painkiller625 August 1, 2011
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teenager who thinks it is good to hang out side a shop being a twat
yo cunny commin down shop later for a drink yo
safe yo on you
by chudds December 22, 2003
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Someone who is going out looking for clunge, someone on the pull. Similar to a 'Squirt Hunter'.
You are the best clunge crawler! Tonight we are definately clunge crawling!
by Squirthunter September 24, 2009
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