A typically agrresive female who likes to kick shins and punch you in the chest due to her weak ankles.
by Philherup9000 October 26, 2017
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Person one: man I can’t believe I got an F on my exam

Person Two: WOW your such a Abbi Webb
by Shaboi Noah May 17, 2020
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She really is someone you can't find anywhere else.
Got big dick energy
Great cuddles!
What a great specimen of the humankind!
Abbi is great
I just love abbi
Abbi is amazing
by Sun Tzu's left testicle December 11, 2021
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Abbi's are C.O.O.L. Constipated Outdated Overrated Losers. Abbi's are sassy and rude but they can also be nice. If you know an Abbi then you know that some days they are fun and easy to play with and other days they get mad at everything. Abbi's like drama so be careful around them. they also don't like to listen. If you know an Abbi then make sure you tell them they are C.O.O.L.
GIRL 1/ Oh look it's Abbi.

GIRL 2/ Be careful she loves drama.

Abbi/ Oh hey girls did you here there is a new girl she is so ugly one of you should go tell her that.
GIRL 2/ Ok!
GIRL 1/ no thats mean you and your friends are C.O.O.L.
ABBI/ awww thank you.
Girl 1 and 2/ laugh.
by #besties July 25, 2021
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if your name is Abbi, then you probably have a lot of mental problems like me. you are probably very stressed and don't even really have a reason to be. you probably feel like you need to talk to a therapist or something but you don't know how to. you probably hate every physical thing about yourself, with the possible exception of your hair and eyes. if your'e anything like me then you probably carry the weight of other peoples problems without meaning to or even knowing. you probably have a.d.d. which can suck a lot sometimes. you probably feel like a failure to your parents because you cant keep your room clean, or they might just blow up at you making you feel 2 feet tall and like a complete burden making you wish they never fucked in the first place. but you know what? through all of that, you are still here. your'e strong. so much stronger than the average person. and i know you probably don't believe/see it, but i promise you, you are beautiful. you are capable of going through really really hard situations and coming out the other side. you are not normal. in the best way possible, you are not normal. you are a super human. you are so much more amazing than anything this world has to offer you. you are loved, you are cherished, you. are. wanted. no matter how many times you try and tell yourself your not. you. are. wanted.
that girl is absolutly amazing. her name must be abbi!
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I abbied that shit today so not even the homeless people could get to it
by NeuroBakerWestLover February 14, 2022
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