Knocking can be used as a very versatile word. It could mean joking, failing, messing around, fucking, etc. Meaning is up to context of the conversation.
you look like an idiot, why you knocking?”
“bitch, are you knocking that guy?”
“girl you have to be knocking right now”
by theerector October 20, 2022
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When a dog falls asleep so hard all 4 of its legs are together in hog tie position.
Dude look at your dog over there sleeping hes freaking hog knocked man.
by PhranQ Bobrick December 15, 2022
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A person who succeeds at everything they do.
Me: I love Paul Allen! That guy right there is a real knock-it-out-of-the-park-er!
You: Yeah, I hate him.
by MalumLibrum958 January 10, 2023
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When a woman or couple takes "barefoot and pregnant" to the next level (usually considered a fantasy fetish due to the high financial cost). In addition to doing all the tasks associated with being barefoot and pregnant (cooking, cleaning, keeping the house in good working order, providing and raising children for the man of the house, etc.), the woman will be naked any time she is at home, always providing for her husband's viewing pleasure and sexual gratification. She will also insist on always being pregnant and having as many children as possible (until she either reaches a certain age or her eggs dry out). If she isn't currently pregnant, she's trying to get that way.

Explanations for taking it that extra step include some combination of the following:
- One or both members of the couple is a nymphomaniac
- One or both members of the couple was raised with the breeder mindset
- They have a submissive/dominant relationship (woman/man, respectively)

The financial cost of engaging in a “naked and knocked up” relationship is that of raising a constantly growing family. Roughly every 10 months, you'd have another mouth to feed/body to clothe. Only certain professions by the breadwinner can support the high demands of such a lifestyle.
Guy 1: Your wife just had your 4th child and already wants another? Wow, she must love being barefoot and pregnant.
Guy 2: Yeah, she does. It’s too bad I don’t make enough money to keep her naked and knocked up.

Stan wrote erotica, mostly about women who wanted to be naked and knocked up, as a side gig. Ironically, his wife was anything but that, having only had 2 children, seven years apart.
by Prof K1792 November 22, 2020
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It’s a different version of no-nut November but you get to have sex every day of November and get as many people pregnant as physically possible.
Yo are you participating in knock up november.
Knock up November is when you get as many people pregnant as possible
by Jason fastcome November 12, 2019
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When you have been locked down for so long you have literally turned your dick into a skeleton, have no feeling left, and cannot complete the task, due to the lack of sex from too much wanking
I wish this Lockdown would finish

Why is that?

I've started knocking out a skeleton

Dude that's bad, you can't even try the stranger in that situation!
by Nesda February 13, 2021
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common scouse phrase used instead of 'makes me feel sick', 'grosses me out' or 'freaks me out'.
'he knocks me sick'
'nah i can't touch polystyrene it proper knocks me'
'beans genuinely knock me sick'
'just watched that ted bundy thing and it proper knocked me sick'
by L25imm May 10, 2022
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