This is the disease had by people who claim to be centrist who are actually conservative and conservatives. The disease presents as constant and unnecessary complaining or whining about people being progressive and wanting everyone to be seen as equal.
Alan: "Did you hear about Elmo complaining about people wanting to be called a new name?"
Lauren: "Yeah, I heard him whining like a trick again. He always seems to have something that is bothering him. Why doesn't he just be satisfied with the hundreds of billions of dollars he has and be quiet?"
Alan: "Cause he has the joke whine virus."
Lauren" "Oh, yeah. So that's why he can't stop crying like a bitch. Real comedy."
by von groovy September 14, 2023
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The number you dial when calling a wahmbulance for someone that is whining.
"My girlfriend just broke up with me and my mom just died. I think I'm going to go stand in front of an oncoming train"
"Would you like me to call a wahmbulance? Dial whine one one?"
by Chris Stark April 4, 2006
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When whites complain about how unfair Political correctness, Affirmative action or the fact that they are no longer allowed to use ethnic slurs against others is.

Usually then complains how the government or media is now oppressing them and how unfair the world is to them.
That white person's whining how anti racism secretly means anti white!
by Athlone February 18, 2012
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That jerk at work who, no matter how good they have it, will still find something to bitch about.

The kind of person that would complain about a free lunch.

Someone who wants a paycheck, but dont want to work for it.
Dude, if you were to be knighted, you'd be "Sir Whines Alot."
by Ken Gman March 5, 2008
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A person who keeps telling you how much they want something, but when push comes to shove they complain about it, just so they don't have to put their money where their mouth is.
"You seem to know about all the shit the job is gonna throw at you, but you haven't even stepped foot in the place. Stop whining before dining, you no good whinger!"

"You said you wanted to be adventurous and now you don't want to get your nails dirty!? No whining before dining and move your 'adventurous' ass!"
by NateTheDawg March 30, 2021
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But you ARE "aloud" to do kvetch silently.
I hate da "no whining/whimpering aloud" rule --- it makes no sense! What good is non-verbal complaining if nobody around you know dat you're unhappy, or what you're unhappy about???
by QuacksO December 12, 2019
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An exclamation for "are you being serious" in a jokingly or non joking manner depending on mannerisms and tone, sometimes condescending.

Popular amongst Nigerians
by vibesonvibes May 10, 2022
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