Jarissa lover. He feens over Jarissa and always wants to love on her. He’s a Jarissa fanboy.
Jarissa : Were done
Ilyes : Please baby jarissa no please i love you sm

This is vito/ilyes
by Pooeater772 May 22, 2022
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A personality of Mike from TDROTI
A buff Italian guy with a crush on Ann Maria
Brick: Come on Mike the play's over now give us the flag!
Vito: Oh yeah? Over my tanned body!
by TELL ME WHO JOE IS July 26, 2023
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Vito is a gay name used for people with EXTREMELY small dicks and are ugly people on the inside and outside. their an ugly nigga bitch that is not as fast as most people named James. they also mostly have a head like a coconut and are a homosexual. If they cant get a boyfriend they either watch people that are dating or watch sexual videos
by knob on the cob February 26, 2019
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The owner of loom
He is very talented, he can use his mind to take your money easily.
Prempeh aboabo boy.
Example: Vito sold iPhone to Yankey, only God knows what happened.
by Haha jejrheh April 5, 2021
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Someone beyond God, a so called "Slobo"
Vito is beyond God
by Oviler November 24, 2021
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Loves girls/Has lots of friends/Really weird/ Girls should even stay away/ He doesn't like popularity people/ He doesn't want girls to hate him
Vito isn't someone a girl should be alone with!
by May 16, 2019
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