The epitome of schwagness
someone who is flaccid usually is considered to be an aka schwag turk
by Jacque Macaliffe August 28, 2005
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schwag can be used in place of cool, chill or any other word similar to that. Also can be used as heavy schwag for meanings like badass
Hey you wanna go to the massage parlor and get a ragin cajun? Yea man that's schwag
by motoxdeath January 28, 2011
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Schwag Friend - (n) 1. a disposable friend you dont invest too much emotional value in 2. the friend who is the equivalent of the bag of really bad weed you just put at the back of the stash cuz you only want to smoke the good shit, Schwag in case of emergency ONLY
Dude 1 - should we invite your roommate

Dude 2 - nah, we're not really close to the point where we hang out

1 - why not?

2 - hes just a Schwag Friend

1 - oh dude i totally understand
by tbchef May 5, 2010
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somebody who is being stupid... aka schgwag..
Kati wouldt feed the 20lb rabbit cause she was being a schwag master.
by poopie12345 December 7, 2006
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1. To beat someone up (bop them) and take their schwag.

2. To tell someone you're selling them good bud and charge high prices, but in fact sell them schwag.
These two fools looked at me funny so I schwag bopped them.
by bopped for schwag February 15, 2006
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Oxymoronic description of the simultaneous relation to a positive experience such as being high going along with the music . A performance that increases a high based off the performance of the live act .
We got Schwag Dankus’d so hard when that shitty DJ got off and the better one came on .
by Jj champagne January 15, 2020
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A semi attractive and usually intoxicated person who frequents the same bar and has already slept with all of the regulars.
If you meet a person for the first time that knows everybody at the bar you are in and end up sleeping with them knowing that half the bar already has, that is bar schwag.
by schwerve July 17, 2008
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