An amazing school that teaches student reseliance and hardwork💪🏻
Although it could be streasful 😦 at time(ALOT) but hopefully your hardwork will pay off

It has amazing supervisors like Mr Saher that are willing to make your day with their smile and jokes 🤗♥️
The teachers are always willing to give their best whenever they can
Al Najah Private School can suck at times ,but it is still one of the best
by Treat_yourself November 3, 2019
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Most of the private school guys in the bay are fucking lame, ugly, and they have no game at all. But the cute ones that are kinda cool can get it if they weren't dumb, unloyal, overly horny, cocky, and didn't spend all their time on video games.
girl 1: dude bay area private school guys are kinda fine no cap.
girl 2: ik but last time i talked to one it turned out to be a waste of time, money, and effort.
by pppoopoo696969pppoopoo June 9, 2020
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An all girls private school in Toronto, Ontatio, Canada. Proper name St. Clements, Slut Clements is known worldwide for having the sluttiest population of any all girls school in North America. Suspected graduates are Tila Tequila and the Jersey Shore celebrity "Snookie".
"Wow, that girl wen't right for his dick. Didn't even know his name"

"Yeah, not surprising, she attended Slut Clements Private School"
by sci16 November 15, 2012
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A mental sanatorium established in Abu Dhabi, UAE in 1982 by the honourable Abdulla Al-Neweis. Tucked into a dusty corner, the cardboard school as it is popularly known, contains 'a swimming pool that is always being built next year', lame-faced lame-duck teachers, depressed students on the verge of suicide(unfortunately no deaths), & the most ridiculous school politics.
Apparently the LATEST rumour...'it's gonna close down' along with other shitty gossip of 'embezzlement of funds'...phew & what not.
Those cool kids ova there go to Al Worood Academy Private School.
by Frankline Foxxx May 4, 2010
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all attractive private school guys from the bay are actually retarded. but, they could really get it in reality. their main flaw is they are very oblivious to the girls they could pull, when when they realize they can pull girls can become unnecessarily cocky. some are very chill but most of them suckass.
girl 1: I just added the Bay Area private school guy on snap!
girl 2: I have him too, he leaves everyone on delivered for hours
girl 3: Play hard to get, they are soooo cocky
by chickenstew69 June 9, 2020
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A school full of retarded assholes and fuckboys. Straight up retarded and full of cancer.
That school is such a Memorial Private High School!
by TheWhiteSupremacist99 May 2, 2017
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A place where little shits think they are privileged because they have to pay money to go to school. Hypocrisy is everywhere and bullying is rampant because teachers don't give a rats ass because they are too focused on giving more homework...or something. Minus God and uniforms (of which the khakis are made of cardboard), it's a carbon copy of public school. Most of the kids that attend this hell will forget about God once they leave anyway. Shoving a cactus up your ass will result in more pleasure and less pain than going to a private school
Paige: Why are us private school kids hated by everyone??

Robert: You are such a fucking retard lol
by Thy mother xd April 27, 2022
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