Napping as an escape mechanism to avoid negative thoughts when depressed.
Yo, I'm feeling hella depressed, let me take a depression nap
by Hostestwithemostest October 28, 2017
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A nap that depressed people take when they can't deal with the emotional pain they feel. They try to shut out everything they feel by having the illusion that they are dead. When they are asleep, they don't have to feel, think, or cry about anything. It's a way to numb your pain without drugs. A depression nap is the closest thing to death. It usually calms people down or prevents them from suicide.
Boy: I'm gonna take a nap.
Girl: but you you just woke up like an hour ago
Boy: It's not cuz i'm tired. It's a depression nap.
by pain assasin November 9, 2017
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The act of lying on the floor of a shower, lights off, drifting into sleep. Often, a towel can be used as a water soluble blanket.
"Dude, you were in the shower for twenty minutes!"
"I know dude, quick shower nap!"
by Joe Weil January 15, 2010
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To fall asleep mid-afternoon while watching golf on television. A state of 'half sleep' during weekend golf television, sometimes involving waking golf dreams.
Sunday afternoon I laid down and rocked a golf nap for four hours.
by joshuajdickerson1 April 19, 2009
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One who is not a grandparent but is prone to taking naps during the afternoon for 1-2 hours.
I had a nana nap this afternoon and now I am ready to party again!!
by Aussieandy January 24, 2011
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Taking an adderall and promptly taking a nap. Very similar to a coffee nap.

The objective of an adderall nap is to get some sleep/rest without having to worry about sleeping too long or waking up groggy.

Ideally, you would get to sleep before the adderall kicks in and the adderall will gently wake you once it has.
Friend: when are you coming over?

Me: I'm not sure. I'm super tired, so I'm thinking about taking an adderall nap.
by Dina Coco July 8, 2018
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The act of taking a nap without setting an alarm. Usually, you take one of these when you have finished all of your work or are absolutely exhausted.
Mary: Thanks for bailing out on our Friday date, Jim!

Jim: Sorry Mary, I was so tired from work that I decided to take an unprotected nap
by jarjarjar4 May 26, 2015
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