When you don't know the answer to a question or command you reply with tits.

To end a conversation awkwardly.
Jack: "Hey John what time is it?"
John: "Uh..."
John: "Tits!"
Jack: "Haha When in doubt...Tits my friend!"
by Pat G Lax July 9, 2010
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This is when one person asks another a question and neither of the two people know the answer. Therefore the "smarter" of the two people may suggest using Google.
me: hey billy how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

Billy: Idk, How many?

me: Idk either?

Billy: When in doubt google it
by nitsuj0207 June 26, 2010
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Outside legal framework it's similar to saying 'I'm either certain or as close to certain as possible'

-inside legal framework, it's a frame of mind, the universal standard of proof used to decide if a defendant is guilty or not. To find a defendant guilty a juror or judge must reach a frame of mind that leaves them with no doubt or at least almost no doubt that a defendant is guilty as charged. Therefore, beyond a reasonable doubt. Information that leads factfinders to this mind frame must be directly related to particular case, not from outlying information unrelated to case in question, usually arising from attempts to tar/slime the defendant.
I think it's beyond a reasonable doubt that roller discos will eventually make a comeback..
by em_see_dbl_oh April 13, 2023
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to allow another to disadvantage oneself to varying degrees; causing or contributing to unwellness for an undetermined amount of time, and/or death
(To give the) benefit of the doubt ...

She gave him the benefit of the doubt and wound up thousands of dollars in debt as a result.

He asked for the benefit of the doubt and continued to be dishonest, causing further distress, inconvenience and loss.

She was advised to take into account past and current behaviors as an indication of future behaviors and outcomes - to take into account her doubts based on experience and/or a gut feeling - as opposed to giving the benefit of the doubt, perhaps blindly, based on nothing at all besides at the request of another, likely a person that stands to benefit should she ignore said doubt.
by firsttimingit August 2, 2018
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Bed Bath and Beyond a Doubt — a headline trumpeting the ridiculous fact that former President. Donald J. Trump his secret documents in an easily accessible bathroom at Mar-a-Largo. There are both photographs and video footage to document this.

Dolt 45 hid secret documents in an easily accessible bathroom documented by visual evidence in photographs and video taping Bed Bath and Beyond a Doubt.

I wonder if our enemies got 20% off coupons while reading our secrets after their infiltration of Mar-a-Largo?
Dolt 45 hid secret documents in an easily accessible bathroom documented by visual evidence in photographs and video taping Bed Bath and Beyond a Doubt.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler June 12, 2023
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