A form of DLC included with games where instead of paying for downloadable content, you pay for a tiny (around 80 kilobytes) file that unlocks the content that is already on the disc.
I was going to buy additional characters for SF x Tekken, but then I realized it was disc locked content.
by real gamer 6969 May 2, 2012
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Another name for a frisbee.

But frisbee is a brand name, so it should be described as a novelty flying disc. Can be abrieviated to NFD. Novelty flying disc has become a well used phrase is many parts of the UK. Originally from an episode of the simpsons.
Em: What shall we do at the beach?
Russ: Let's play Novelty Flying Disc!!!
by Fossy239 May 25, 2007
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User:Can I get one
Drug dealers:Shit naw all I got is double disc cd
by Ry-Dro June 21, 2006
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Originated on the US Marine Corps Rifle ranges to indicate the shooter missed the target. A "disc" is a metal disc 12" in diameter with one side painted red, the other white attached to a 6 foot wooden pole. Depending on the location of the disc on the target, it told the shooter what the score was for that shot. A miss was indicated by moving the red side of the disc back and forth in front of the target. The Marines from Marine Corps Security Force Company, Charleston, SC started using the term when another Marine screwed up or did something unpopular.
Dude, did you see Smith mess up that inspection?

Yeah, disc him a miss.
by USMC0861/8152/8153 July 10, 2011
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It is the scariest minecraft music disc on the planet
hey did you find music disc 11

yea i did

don't play it herobrine is gonna come for you
by MasterNazz November 12, 2020
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When a Jewish person goes to blockbuster, rents a blu ray disc and rips/burns them with their computer. Then then either watch the movies later or gives them out to friends. This helps Jews save money.
Tim: "Here's Harry Potter Rabbi Tim"
Jewish rabbi Tim: "A 20 dollar movie! How expensive!"
Tim: "It's a Jew-Ray Disc!"
Jewish rabbi Tim: "Ahh God will Thank You for this"
by roflcopterofl October 10, 2011
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