A place in the center of Wisconsin where F.I.B.'s (Fucking Illinois Bastard's) flock to during the summer months (besides Door County) which has been unfortunately exploited by investment firms of all types, making everything in the city overpriced and commercialized. Now instead of a great vacation spot everyone and their mother is trying to sell you timeshares, what a joke!!!
Wisconsin dells: Its too bad the river didnt wash all the F.I.B.'s summer homes away last year
by murph666 April 14, 2009
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One who consumes vast amounts of Delsym or CCC on a consistent basis. The DXM version of the typical pothead. One is attributed the title of dell head only after proving he no longer holds the mental ability he formerly did due to the large quantity of DXM over time. As well as one being so into the use of DXM a large amount of those the user knows are aware of the DXM usage. Also known as DellTripper.
Tim-Yo your cousin timmy seems way slower since the last time i saw him, he used the pencil as a fork to eat his Vienna Sauages.
Bob- I know man hes really been losing it lately, he eats crayons and shit now.
Tim-Whats been going on?

Bob-Well, hes a fucking Dell Head.
Tim-Oh shit
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Dell Conagher: Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems.

Dell Conagher: Not problems like "What is beauty?", because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.

Dell Conagher: I solve practical problems.
by poploop345 May 28, 2021
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Although commonly associated with a personal computer line, pulling a Delle is actually work performance related.

When one cannot be found for any particular reason, and then returns without offering any form of explanation, only to react with aggression when asked where one was is the quintessential "pulling a delle".
Bellman: Do you know where the fuck John is?

Receptionist: I haven't seen him in 6 hours
Bellman: Damn he's pulling a delle!
by Awesome541841 August 2, 2010
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A naked exercise that involves running/jogging/frolicking in or around the Dell at Randolph-Macon Woman's College. May include, at the time of or before, consumption of intoxicating substances.
Wow, guys, Soandso and I got wasted and went on a Dell Run last night. It was cold!
by Mikel November 4, 2004
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thee most POS computer you could EVER buy!! non-upgradable, non-compatable, non-good
Dude your getting a GATEWAY!!!!
by Viperlord February 27, 2003
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A British Roadie destined to help Wayne Campbell set up a concert in Aurora, Illinois, in the film Wayne's World 2, after some incident involving a dream with Jim Morrison and a naked indian
"There I was, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylan, at 4 in the morning, and I had to find 1,000 M'N'Ms for a glass of brandy or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So there I was, with Keith Moon and David Cosby, and we found this sweet shop, but it was closed.We tried getting in, and instead of having a guard dog, they had a bloody Bengal Tiger. We managed to kill it with a can of mace, but the Shopkeeper and his son, that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. But, we got the M'N'Ms and Ozzy played a great show."

-"Are you Dell Preston ?"
-"I might be."
by partytimeexcellent April 8, 2010
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