1. When you are so angry, that words cant be used anymore
"Youre so garbe!"
"Youra retard!"
by Yakub11 January 15, 2021
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Taking suggestive pictures of yourself without a mirror, so that the pictures are straight at you instead of like common sexing taken from the reflection in a mirror. The pictures are commonly sent to other people.
She sent me some dak borsh. She has a hot body
by Clooren January 18, 2011
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Taking pictures of yourself while not being fully clothed and sending them to other people. Also known as sexing or sexting.
That's some heavy dak borshing you sent me.
by Kazzoone January 18, 2011
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Dak: Mostly tall , easy obeyed fellow. Usually wears make-up and smells like a fairy. Will usually marry their first love that puts up with there girly emotions. Parents sometimes walk in on yor frequent sex habbits. But all around is a pretty amazing guy.
Dak: Hi im dak, does my make-up really look that bad?

Halie & Bri:YES. Dak it really does.
by Dont be mad!! June 11, 2009
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A way of defending yourself. If anyone is trying to hurt you, you can use your daker, and dak them in the head.
Example one: I was walking down the street when a guy comes in and tries to steal my chipotle. I had enough and took out my daker and daked him in the head
by lovethatteasis March 27, 2019
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Its used as an abbreviation for dafuq, if the situation is highly unpredictable or surprising
Dak did just happen here
by lunatic_deav December 17, 2016
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