dick & ball jeans, having jeans on so tight that it seems like they were made specifically to show off your package nut cutters nut huggers
lamont sanford from sanford & son was sure to ALWAYS wear his D & B jeans.
by junewho February 8, 2007
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"I've got so many B's on my D!"

"My D must be covered in honey because there's B's all over it!"
by stewie noodles December 18, 2007
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Oh damn, did you see that guy's D&B Combo? What a deal!
by songwriter x May 8, 2020
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smoke a blunt to the dome/smoke a marijuana filled cigar by yourself
I'ma S a B to the D then I'll be over there.
by Pat Richey March 7, 2008
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Dragon battle axe. Pretty popular weapon in MMPORG Runescape. Used commonly for the strength boost.
-Whats ur str lv?
-82 with pots and d b axe.
by Mikael Strang October 18, 2006
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An expansion of the popular name DBC, a common reference to McDonald's $1 Double Cheeseburger
"Man i've got the munchies!"
"Let's go get a D B Chee"
by mcdonalds lover February 15, 2008
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