a guy who puts smegma on his sandwiches
"darryl puts smegma on his sandwiches instead of mayonaise."

"dude darryl's a total dro"
by cosmixmaster July 15, 2004
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The greatest man alive, he has fucked all of your mothers, especially Cosmixmaster's mom. He fucked her thrice.
"Did you see that guy,he was almost as cool as Drunken Revolver Ocelot, you know that guy who fucked Cosmixmaster's mom 3 times."
by Drunken Revolver Ocelot July 17, 2003
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The door installed at my brother's house. No sooner does he get rid of one nasty whore, then another equally as nasty whorin' bitch comes waltzing through hoping to latch on to him. Since he's too busy thinking with his penis he doesn't realize it until her it's too late and everyone hates her.
As soon as Tyson got Amy shoved out the door, he turned the revolving whore door back on and in plopped the stupid whores Amber and Faye.
by Tara March 29, 2005
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A man who does not know what girl he wants. He seems really interested in one girl, but he also seems really interested in others girls as well. Therefore, he does not know what direction to point his dick. So he suffers from Revolving Dick Syndrome.
A guy talks to girl A in person, on the phone, and through text messages. He also asks to chill with her. The next week, he does the same to girl B. A month later, he does the same to girl C. Conversation for all three girls die down. When he sees either girl A, B, or C he talks to her in a flirty manner and the conversation, in its multiple forms, starts up again. Therefore, he suffers from Revolving Dick Syndrome (RDS) because he does not know which girl to point his dick at.
by michew November 18, 2008
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when the female of the species is so coked up that she keeps tossing around in bed, causing the male to constantly switch between the anus and the vagina for sexual gratification. Usually results in blue balls for the male.
After blowin an eightball with a stripper, Ed got stuck in the revolving door all night trying to rock a nut!
by bebalicious March 4, 2005
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Fuck you, but without using the word "fuck".
Son: "Mom, I'm really hungry right now, I want some more food."
Mom (Karen): "You need to share with your little sister."
Son: "But she has already eaten three bowls of it already!"
Mom: "She's younger than you, and besides: THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOU!!!11!!"
Son: "Yeah, FUCK YOU TOO then!"
by VectorFluxion December 3, 2020
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The most powerful handgun in the world undisputedly, it bends the .44 magnum over a bathtub and rapes it. With its 8-3/8-in. barrel, the overall length of the Model 500 is 15 in. and the empty weight is 4.5 pounds. The cylinder alone is almost 2 in. in diameter and approaches 2.25 in. in length. Thumb the cylinder open and five charge holes await. Each is 1/2 in. in diameter, and the .50-cal. cartridges they hold are almost 2 in. long. Load five of them and the total weight of the handgun climbs to 5 pounds.The .44 mag reaches at max 1900ft. The model 500 reaches up to 2600ft.
Dirty Harry: Ah-ah, I know what you're thinking punk. You're thinking did he fire six shots or only five? And to tell you the truth I've forgotten myself in all this excitement. But being this is a .44 Magnum - the most powerful hand gun in the world

Dying man: Actulay the most powerful handgun in the world is the model 500 smith and wesson magnum revolver.

Hirty Harry: You bastard.
by Da Money March 18, 2005