The cunning and charasmatic host of the #1 rated cable news television show in America, "The O'Reilly Factor." Conservatives love him because he uses common sense and basic morals to form his opinions. Liberals hate him for the same reason. He's all around controversial because he actually speaks his mind and doesn't suck up to ANY of his guests.
Bill O'Reilly put that liberal bitch in her place on the show last night.
by Tom April 28, 2005
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Bill O'Reilly is a talk show host that most say is a closed-minded conservative fascist. However, most of these "open-minded" people have never seen his show. Does he sometimes make stupid statements? Of course,(His boycott on rap is ridiculous) but so do all the liberal hosts. He does say that Ann Coulter is a crazy right-wing nutjob. He does believe in global warming. He knows that abortion is a right protected by the constitution. This will probably be marked down because of all the "open-minded" liberals who say that anyone who is conservative is wrong. They are also "close-minded, fascist nazis" according to liberals. Does anyone else realize that saying that is a total contridiction?
Bill O'Reilly might not be totaly right, but he is great to watch saying that everything else is very liberal biased.
by stevedawg13 August 8, 2006
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A witty man who doesnt believe in SPIN! or and BS. he gets to the point and doesnt allow lying or "spin" to be put on things. He is amazing!
I love Bill O'Reilly and his no spin zone!
by johanna smith July 3, 2006
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1. An undercover Republican masking as an Independent. 2. A term used for a person that lies through their teeth. 3. Can be used to describe a person with Hate-Monger views. 4. Someone that still defends George Bush.
(Person 1 ) That George Bush just asked for 2 Trillion dollars! That is almost as much as Japan's GDP!. (Person 2) Don't blame him, we have the money to waste. (Person 1) I thought you were an Independent? (Person 2) I am. I just think George Bush is a God among men! (Person 1) Did your drug dealer have a 2 for 1 sale on Meth??? Could you be anymore of A-Bill O'Reilly?
by the2ndflood February 21, 2008
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An independent conservative who is often incorrecty labled as a bigot by a liberal media who refuses to consider anyone else's point of view. He is a talk show host that looks out for the people. Many liberals say he isn't fair as he claims to be just because he is biased. Of course he is biased; he does have an opinion after all. That does not mean, however, that he is unfair.
Bill O'Reilly is a conservative commentator and talk show host on FOX News.
by Alexandre Francois Varneaux December 21, 2008
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Loud mouthed Irishman who dishes it out to everyone. Liberals hate hin for using common sense to show the holes in their ideology. Conservatives find him entertaining.
Joey was so scared of the cops, he started sputtering like George Clooney on Bill O'Reilly
by Riley March 18, 2005
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A left-leaning Independent who when he's not speaking out against child molesters getting light sentences is saying things like he is against the death penalty,for gay marriage and the right for gays to adopt children.This of course gets him labeled and extreme right-wing fascist by extreme left wingnuts who are convinced of his radical rightwingedness because he sometimes has yelled at a couple of people who were acting either pro-terrorist or pro-kiddie-fiddler.
Bill O'Reilly is to the right...of Karl Marx.
by go suck goo thru a straw November 5, 2006
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