12 definitions by stevedawg13

Something a(stupid)liberal will call you if you disagree with them. Calling a republican a fascist is just as bad as calling a democrat a communist.

In real life, it is a horrible form of government that has a dictator ruling all. Adolf Hitler is a good example. Fascism is really gay!
Liberal: All republicans are religion pushing,raciest, gay bashing bitches!

Me:Actually I'm atheist and for gay marriage I just think democrats are retarted.

Liberal: You close-minded fascist!

Me: What???
by stevedawg13 August 3, 2006
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Bill O'Reilly is a talk show host that most say is a closed-minded conservative fascist. However, most of these "open-minded" people have never seen his show. Does he sometimes make stupid statements? Of course,(His boycott on rap is ridiculous) but so do all the liberal hosts. He does say that Ann Coulter is a crazy right-wing nutjob. He does believe in global warming. He knows that abortion is a right protected by the constitution. This will probably be marked down because of all the "open-minded" liberals who say that anyone who is conservative is wrong. They are also "close-minded, fascist nazis" according to liberals. Does anyone else realize that saying that is a total contridiction?
Bill O'Reilly might not be totaly right, but he is great to watch saying that everything else is very liberal biased.
by stevedawg13 August 8, 2006
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24 is the best show of all frekin' time! There is no better time in my life as good as 8 to 9 on mondays.
Jack Bauer would kick Chuck Norris's ass and you know it.24 can single handedly make mondays amazing.
by stevedawg13 May 14, 2006
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A show that used to be great. Jon Stewart was always funny, and it had Stephen Colbert as a field reporter. Then, Colbert left and The Daily Show got way too serious. Instead of clever written jokes, Stewart resorted to saying Bush is stupid a million different ways. The show is occasionally funny, just not as good as it used to be. Also, there are people who watch this to get their real news. If you watch it as a comedy program, that's fine(even though it isn't as funny anymore.) If you watch this show to get your news and opinions on things, you should be shot.
The Daily Show used to be great but now it is just average. The Colbert Report is much funnier, watch that.
by stevedawg13 August 5, 2006
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The most awesome band of all time. I'm am a teenager and am one of many kids that realize how important they were in making modern music. However, all of the gay nu-metal kids that go to my school think that the beatles suck because they don't scream about how their girlfriend dumped them.
-The beatles are fucking awesome.
-I hate people that say the beatles suck. They should be tortured, killed, revived, and then tortured and killed again.
by stevedawg13 May 14, 2006
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Many liberals are smart people with reasonalbe views(I am not a liberal,however not conservative either.) However, Many retarted teenagers like the ones that go to my school just watch MTV and say, hay Mike Jones hates Bush, that must mean he sucks. These are the people giving liberals a bad name. Liberals and Conservatives need to stop bashing each other and just fucking do something about the world.
MTV Watching Teenager: Dude, Bush sucks even though I don't know anything about him or what he does.
Any teen with a brain: Shut up you gay poser liberal. You make Bush look like an absolute genius.
by stevedawg13 May 19, 2006
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Whoever think this guy doesn't write good books is f***ing retarted. Patriot Games and Rainbow Six are two of the greatest books of all time, and if you don't think so you probably can't read. Either that or you haven't actually read his books.
Tom Clancy is one of the best authors of all time. He also has awesome movies and video games. Tom Clancy Kicks Ass!
by stevedawg13 May 14, 2006
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