Formed when a straightened out coat- hanger is used to pick up a pair of Dunny Pants and the ending results in fecal matter sticking to the retrieval device.
i was cleaning up the house after that retirement party and ended up with a shit kaBob when i grabbed those dunny Pants from behind the TV set.
by second shifter July 23, 2009
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An alternative to the word "shit" used for when you mess up, but only so mildy that you cause no major harm. Best said in very faggy voice.
Jim: "Hey Gary, is that toast burning?"
Gary: "Oh, shit shity shish kabob.
by Jackage September 30, 2006
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(Also known as SAS Syndrom)

An illness in which your throat splits off to form another passage way. So now you have one for air, one for food, and a newly formed throat-hole for sookin' deeks (Throating wieners). This new esophagus extends from the mouth to the rectum, and in some cases, a man with a MASSIVE 10 ft long wiener case stick in all the way down and out your butt. Thereby making you a shish kabob....

**SAS Almost always occurs in: Gypsys, whores, Gypsy Whores, prostitues, prostitots, and Whore dogs named Ginger...
Bill: Dude!

Dude: What?

Bill: did you here about Garrett?

Dude: no! what??!!

Bill: He came down with a nasty case of shish kabob of shame syndrom from throating too many dicks.

by Von mannshaft November 5, 2008
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Something to say when a lab notebook is due soon and u have no time to do it.
AAAAAAAh my labnotebook is due and its 1:04 Holy mother fuckin shit kabobs on a bun!
by chandler December 1, 2002
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Friend 1: Did you see how that guy was staring at us as we walked by?

Friend 2: Yeah, he’s a real creep-kabob.

Ew, such a creep-kabob.

I felt so uncomfortable what a creep-kabob.
by Scarlett Snow March 22, 2019
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The act of meshing up ideas, information, or products to convince , persuade or sway a person or an audience about a topic or thing of your interest.
by @Mak_moody714 July 29, 2019
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