Da feeling of "empty letdown after having toiled for nothing" dat you experience as an adult after you'd studied your a** off in grade school about certain strongly-hyped-and-pushed-for-their-supposedly-great-importance subjects (history, science, botany, biology, etc.) other than da "three R's", only to find dat in reality you seldom if ever need any of dat knowledge in your everyday working/home life, and dat others merely stare at you like you're some kinda brainiac nerd when ya mention anything from your vast knowledge of said subjects dat they had long forgotten about or not even bothered to really learn very well themselves in their own school years.
My third-grade teacher always really drove us to learn about da history of San Francisco, yet never once in the ensuing decades have I **ever** hadda use my knowledge of who William Leidesdorff or Amadeo Giannini was --- talk about post-graduation disillusionment!
by QuacksO March 18, 2019
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When you leave a container of milk in your locker at the start of the school year and open it the day before you graduate.
Person 1: What's that smell?
Person 2: Oh, that's just my graduation cheese.
by SCIENCEMAN200 February 24, 2022
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The act of cumming on your girls face and then scooping the Cum off with a spoon and feeding it to her. "Jeff gave her a gerber graduates."
Jeff gave her a gerber graduates and she loved it.
by Steventyler23 January 1, 2016
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when you graduate college in two years like Jeb Bush
The g-speed graduate was bound to do good for his country until the end of time.
by Coop Dupe November 24, 2019
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In the words of Etta James, At last... we graduate as to celebrate the achievements and the efforts we put in all those years. To celebrate the end of an era means to celebrate a new beginning. A new beginning in the next chapters of our lives that sucked so bad where you are broke most of the time, anxious and borderline depressed, lonely and again broke cus taxes suck real bad.
I graduated with honors.. and in honor of my allowances that I will no longer receive
Congratulations on your graduation! who would've thought that your degree won't be of any use in the society that provides you no opportunities to succeed if you have none!

You graduated? you are officially an unproductive member of society! cheers
by Bacteriola November 25, 2021
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The ceremony all high school students wait for. They walk across the stage wearing a funny cap and get a piece of paper. Then they all throw their caps in the air, and go to prom. It signals the start of a new life where they need to work, pay taxes, and get into the real world. It also signals the end of having to deal with annoying kids, but sadly also the end of hanging out with friends and doing fucked up stuff such as pranks, so they all rush to get their social medias and numbers to talk.
I can't wait till graduation day!
by its not cup! January 2, 2021
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