When someone is supposed to be listening to another person's conversation, when really they are thinking of something else (often of something innapropriate of the conversation itself), and are asked a certain question relative to the topic you were supposed to be listening to. that causes you to draw a big, huge blank.

When you come up with a quick, sudden distraction to avoid having to actually answer the question (and thus look like an idiot and/or get in trouble), the name for that action is to Dodge the Fumble or dodging the fumble.
Samantha: (talking without end in sight about cats) I like cats, do you like cats, my favorite cat breed is the Egyptian Mau, the thing I like about them is...
John: (thinking about the Football Game last night)
Samantha: ...hey, what do you like better, the Maine Coon, or the Turkish Mau? And don't just say, 'because' liek you always do, or you're not getting any tonight!
John: (caught on the fumble) Oh yeah, um... (sees a Baskin Robins) Oh look, a Baskin Robins, want to get some ice cream there?
Samantha: (suddenly distracted by the offer of ice cream and forgets the question) Oh sure!
John: (thinks to himself) Dodged the fumble there, John...
by Anonymous Legend October 23, 2009
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This is used when referring to a sexual act in which one of the parties seems to be nervous in their performance of afore mentioned act and proceeds in mumbling apologies whilst engaged in the fumble
Pia; So did you and Tom fuck?
Laura; Well it was more of a mumble fumble than a fuck...
by Ian Robbingue April 27, 2008
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The phenomenon that occurs when - right at the moment of climax - your grandma calls. Essentially, any action that ruins an imminent orgasm.

Can also be called the cumble fumble or simply cumble.
Guy - "Oh baby, I'm gonna cum."
Girl - "Fill my sweet poonani with you jizzum, please!"
Guy - "Urm.. I think you just cum fumbled me."
by conbonjovi December 10, 2009
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The act of tackling another male/female out of/off of their lovers vagina/penis and then proceed to gain possession of the vagina/dick by diving into or onto the sexual organ and fucking it, Warning: dangerous but guaranteed sex
"Dude I walked in on my roommate fucking his girl so i tackled him and fumble fuck the shit out of her!"
by Weist 3rd February 6, 2012
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When you simp for a girl instead of hanging with the boys and still somehow get rejected
by Randomdude9508 March 22, 2021
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Fidgety fingers when anticipating something exciting is called fumble fingering.
The children were fumble fingering in anticipation of opening their Christmas gifts.
by Cealia November 25, 2016
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A sexual situation in which every single bodyily fluid is excreted. ((Note: This is a word created by Spike and an anonymous friend, not the poster))
Then, she shat, pissed, vomitted, shot out puss, menstruated, came, earwax dripped out, snot and drool dribbled down, blood spontaeniously shot out, and she cried. That was the elusive Fumble Roofsky.
by Lord Dralnu August 4, 2006
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